The Creative Sculpture of
Tsai Wei Cheng
the creative sculpture of tsai wei cheng
Tsai Wei Cheng 蔡尉成雕塑創作
about Tsai Wei Cheng
Tsai Wei Cheng 蔡尉成雕塑創作
Tsai Wei Cheng is a sculptor who gained recognition in Taiwan with 72 Creative Sculpture Series in 1997. His works began to receive international acclaim in 2016 and have been exhibited in major cities, including Singapore, Tokyo, New York, Beijing, Hong Kong, and Taipei. In 2017, his works were featured at the Venice Biennale, a renowned international art exhibition.
Tsai Wei Cheng 蔡尉成雕塑創作
Cheng draws inspiration from his cultural heritage to create sculptures that go beyond the use of materials and colors. His artworks convey metaphors that resonate with the world around us, embodying oriental sentiment and national identity, while also showcasing his unique creative style.
Tsai Wei Cheng 蔡尉成雕塑創作
I do not enjoy feeling limited or constrained by affectation and prefer the freedom to try out different creative styles that are simple and straightforward. Throughout my creative process, I strive to free myself from habitual judgments, which allow me to perceive people, objects, and the environment from different angles and with genuine emotion, enabling me to draw inspiration for my sculptural creations.
Creative Concept
Tsai Wei Cheng 蔡尉成雕塑創作
  • 72 Series Creation
  • The inspiration for the 72 Series comes from the classic Chinese literature, “The Journey to the West”. In the story, Sun Wukong, demonstrates resourcefulness and composure in the face of danger. He skillfully employs the "72 Changes" spell to defeat various monsters using cunning tactics. These monsters symbolize life's challenges, signifying the many difficulties one may encounter. By effectively using the power of observation and imagination through the principles of the "72 Changes" to confront life's obstacles and impacts, you may see light through the cloud, gain clarity, perceive strategic paths, and unravel any dilemma.
Tsai Wei Cheng 蔡尉成雕塑創作
  • constant & change
  • In the journey of life's exploration, perhaps the most daunting thing is that of change. If we aspire to embrace eternal truths, goodness, beauty, and holiness, we need to open ourselves to change. Whether in our life experiences or in creating art, change and unchangeability function as both facets of perception and vehicles of transformation…
Tsai Wei Cheng 蔡尉成雕塑創作
  • Deformation
    of the object
  • The human psyche is intricately intertwined with the heart, as is the physical body. Our consciousness is in a constant state of flux, adapting to the ups and downs presented by life, while our state of mind fluctuates with each passing thought. Our appearance and outward actions serve as a canvas for the complex interplay of our inner world, shaped by our mental and emotional conditions. This internal experience is conveyed through our body language, which changes in response to things happening in life…